HVOS donates 1% of annual revenue to The Molly Moo Foundation. Click here to learn more.


Are you currently treating most of your cancer patients with
prednisone and tramadol? Would you like to offer more step-by-
step guidance? Read below to see how we can help.

Cancer Care Plans

Hope Veterinary Oncology services is proud to provide nationwide cancer care plans to general practitioners anywhere and everywhere, caring for pets with cancer who do not have direct access to a veterinary oncologist.
HVOS brings veterinary cancer treatment to the patient in our state-of-the-art mobile oncology unit. We want to help you and your patients by providing detailed cancer treatment plans based on the latest scientific research and technologies.

You may be surprised to know that only half of our patients are currently receiving traditional intravenous chemotherapy. The other half are treated with oral chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapies, nutritional support, pain management, and supplements. Dr. Rizzo can help you do the same via detailed written guidance with recommendations and responses to specific questions. We can also chat via zoom if you like.

Remote Consultations

We recognize that oncology may not be your area of expertise, and explaining all the necessary information to clients can be stressful. That’s why we’re excited to now offer direct consultations with pet parents. Dr. Rizzo can discuss the established diagnosis, disease behavior, treatment options, and prognosis. She will then inform you if the family wishes to proceed with treatment and provide you with the same comprehensive guidelines. 

Cancer Care Plan Includes

  • Diagnosis
  • Interpretation of current staging and bloodwork
  • Recommendations for additional diagnostics
  • Typical tumor behavior and prognostic factors where applicable
  • Prognosis for the patient with no further treatment
  • Prognosis with treatment
  • Direct and indirect treatment options
    • Chemotherapy / targeted therapy protocol, standardized or custom-designed, depending on the individual circumstances
    • Indirect treatment options will include nutritional support, supplements, immune support, and/or pain relief
  • Additional information as requested:
    • Information sheets on chemotherapy or targeted therapy handling and administration
    • Abstracts of pertinent literature
    • Client information sheets on tumor type and treatment options

Consultation and Follow-Up Fees

  • Zoom consult with pet parent: $325
  • YouTube that contains 95% of the information typically presented during a consultation: Free
  • Comprehensive Cancer Care Plan provided to referring veterinarian including protocols and ALL follow questions for the lifetime of the patient: $695

    Arranging a Consultation

    Please email us at info@hopeoncology.vet. Please include a summary of the case and your contact information in the body of the email. Please attach pertinent data, including medical records, bloodwork results, cytology, biopsy report, images, and imaging reports.

    Dr. Rizzo will prepare your Cancer Care Plan within 48 business hours. Our hours of operation are Sunday – Friday, 8 am – 5 pm PST.

    Veterinary Services

    Below are all the veterinary services we offer at Hope Veterinary Oncology Services. If you have any questions
    regarding our services, please feel free to call us.